
Showing posts from March, 2018

My Storyboards

The overall idea of my video is going to be doodles coming to life. Beginning - I want to draw things that come alive Middle - I sketch some little drawings until I get frustrated End - While I'm away, the pictures begin animate and I am pleased at the end. This is my original order I tried to edit these so they were a little easier to read, but this is an order one of my group partners came up with.

Poster Project Reflection

  Originally for this project, I was planning in my brainstorming to have less variation of arguments and more variation in poster designs, but in my sketching, I ended up experimenting with 5 different argument ideas. It's not a huge issue necessarily, it just didn't align with what my normal art making process would be like. I liked the idea of the project itself. I thought it was challenging for us to think about in a good way. I considered my audience's potential interpretation a bit more than I have with my other work. I am satisfied enough with the outcome of this project. I don't really have the technical issues I had with the other projects. My main issue was just that the printing did not turn out as I had expected it. It was a bit darker and my text didn't stand out quite as much as I thought it did. Though, it seems like a lot of people also experienced something similar. I'm still very fond of the critiques. The support from my peers helps m...

Peek-a-boo monster

One Step at a Time #5

These are the steps to my attic. They have seen better days, but they still take me to my favorite room in the house. I included them in my Photoshop composite, but other than being significant to me, there wasn't much backstory on why I showed them. My attic has been a place of comfort for me since some of my earliest memories of living in the house. I remember not long after moving in, working with my grandfather to remove the old wallpaper. Before it was renovated, my bedroom was small, but the attic provided plenty of space to play after school with my friends. When my sister was born we shared a room for many years. I would climb the steps to the attic to be in a world of my own. It became the place I would make my art or go sit out on the roof to just think, if I felt like it. These steps lead me time and time again to a place where I could breathe, create, and reflect and though they are worn, they are still very important to me.

One Step at a Time #4

These steps are similar to the ones I posted last time. I actually just happened upon these a few days ago, though. One of my professors assigned a project that requires us to visit another neighborhood in Philadelphia to learn about the culture and the context in which their native language is used. Like many areas in Philly, some parts look a little rougher than others. You can tell, though, there's been an effort to create beautiful things like art and green spaces here. There were at least five murals along just one of the streets alone that I took to walk back. These aren't terrible neighborhoods. It's a community where kids play, whole families live, a place that obviously wants to grow. And even in a setting that isn't given the finest resources there is still pride and a desire to present one's home and line each step with little bits of color.

Arts funding links

For: Against: Both:

Poster Sketches


"The Lecture That Trump Needs" Response

At the beginning of reading this article I was thinking that college age people are not the only people who sometimes have a hard time seeing the other side of debatable topics. Adults well into their life act the same way. When it went on to talk about all the hypocrisy in Donald Trump's actions and words, I realized he was not only judging younger individuals.  Frank Bruni gives examples of how Trump shuts down and gets angry when confronted with opposing viewpoints. Listening to the other side is essentially the basis for our next project. Sympathizing with an opinion you consider morally wrong is not always easy. Honestly, not being like Trump is a pretty good incentive to try something, though. This article and especially the npr podcast remind me of a series called Conversations With People Who Hate Me. It's it's own podcast by Dylan Marron about taking negative comments that people have made online towards someone with an opposing view and turning them into produ...

One Step at a Time #3

I always pass these steps on my way to work when I am home. The winter environment does not do them justice.  In the warmer months they sparkle in the sunlight and pop against the green grass. Less than ideal pictures aside, I think it's really neat when something ordinary like stairs or a wall or a bike rack can be turned into an art project to make parts of a city feel a little more beautiful and welcoming.   

Vinyl Intervention Reflection

For the most part, I'd say my vinyl project went well. I like the concept I used and I'm pleased that it read as well as it did in the feedback during the critique. I feel like everyone made such strong statements in their work and I'm glad my work seemed like it could be included in that theme.  I think having one more exercise in illustrator before this project probably would have helped me with a couple of the little technical difficulties I experienced with this project. They weren't big issues and it didn't really effect my end product much, but it would have been a bit easier while I was working. We had a bit more practice with Photoshop.  I don't think this project was incredibly different compared to my personal work as far as my process goes. I still had to do planning and sketches and put in the work to get it done. I just don't works as much on the computer with my personal projects and I don't need to think much about it's placement...

Vinyl Intervention


One Step at a Time #2

A little over a year ago, my best friend and I went to Japan. We packed a whole lot of stuff into the 5 days we were there. It was a fantastic adventure and there's no one I'd rather have experienced it with. These were the steps in our favorite little shop in Harajuku.