One Step at a Time #5

These are the steps to my attic. They have seen better days, but they still take me to my favorite room in the house. I included them in my Photoshop composite, but other than being significant to me, there wasn't much backstory on why I showed them. My attic has been a place of comfort for me since some of my earliest memories of living in the house. I remember not long after moving in, working with my grandfather to remove the old wallpaper. Before it was renovated, my bedroom was small, but the attic provided plenty of space to play after school with my friends. When my sister was born we shared a room for many years. I would climb the steps to the attic to be in a world of my own. It became the place I would make my art or go sit out on the roof to just think, if I felt like it. These steps lead me time and time again to a place where I could breathe, create, and reflect and though they are worn, they are still very important to me.


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