Vinyl Intervention Reflection

For the most part, I'd say my vinyl project went well. I like the concept I used and I'm pleased that it read as well as it did in the feedback during the critique. I feel like everyone made such strong statements in their work and I'm glad my work seemed like it could be included in that theme. 

I think having one more exercise in illustrator before this project probably would have helped me with a couple of the little technical difficulties I experienced with this project. They weren't big issues and it didn't really effect my end product much, but it would have been a bit easier while I was working. We had a bit more practice with Photoshop. 

I don't think this project was incredibly different compared to my personal work as far as my process goes. I still had to do planning and sketches and put in the work to get it done. I just don't works as much on the computer with my personal projects and I don't need to think much about it's placement. Having done so now, though, I will say that making something that is strengthened by it's environment is pretty cool. 


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