Final Project Reflection

I want to say this project took a lot of planning, but I think in reality it just took a different kind of planning than I was used to. I had to consider the requirements for the project, what my idea was, when to shoot, how to shoot,and how to work out all the editing. I don't think any one part was especially troublesome. There are some video transitions that I couldn't quite get smooth, but I think I spent less time being frustrated than I did with some of the other projects. 

I didn't really see this project as much more or less constricting than other projects we've done. We still had specific elements to include, but I feel like there was a lot of room to choose an idea we were excited about in all the big projects.

I feel like the project turned out pretty well. I adjusted to what the process of making this kind of art entails and I was satisfied with the outcome. Making the storyboards was helpful, because I had to write everything I wanted to happen down, which helped me make sure I wouldn't forget anything when I started filming.

I was more curious about what I was going to see in the critique for this project because we only brainstormed in small groups. I like seeing what everyone else created. It's good to know that things in my projects read the way they were intended. I don't think any of our critiques have ever been harsh.

I think we had enough time, I wasn't working until the last moment to finish. It was just stressful with all the other stuff going on at the end of the semester. I wish we'd had a little more time for the stop motion exercise, though. I would have liked to have sat down and watched those. Even though it was just an in-class partner project, it was fun. I think I've made some pretty decent work in this class. The only thing left to say, is thank you, I guess. :)


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