Identity Composite Brainstorming

The sketches are a bit rough. I planned to do a more refined sketch after deciding which idea will be the one I want to move forward with. 
Left: The scene takes place in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The paintings and sculptures are replaced with aspects of my identity. Not to say that I hold myself as highly as the art in the museum, but taking the museum for what is is for me, a comfortable place to observe and reflect.

Right: I did a dollhouse scene for this sketch. I think it provides a sense of nostalgia which is definitely a part of my personality. Each room inside the house represents a different aspect of myself. 

Left: The space is a nonspecific room in this sketch. The subject definitely comes forward more than my previous two sketches. The main focus is my hand holding various versions of myself. The thing I like about this one is that it can be interpreted as my life being in my own hands.

Right: This one is more a play on evaluating aspects of myself through mirrors providing different views. More object base representations can be incorporated, but I hadn't decided if less busyness would work better for the design.
Bottom: I considered the idea of using an album art cover for the scene of one of my sketches. I like the idea, but my only concern is that the space would not be ideal for the incorporation of more identity subject matter.

All of the spaces in my idea sketches represent some zone of comfort. Many of them have representations of my identity built into the background. I think they all have a sense of introspection involved. There are definitely object based indications of influential people in my life I expect to use in my designs. I do not have any plans of incorporating photos of other people into my project, though.

I think the definition of my identity is largely based on my interests and other aspects of my life that have been important to me. Some of these ideas I plan to explore through the incorporation of objects instead of a photograph of myself. All the idea sketches I drew have two or more images of myself included. The scale depends on the designs in the sketches, but for the most part the scale is the same. I think the scale is important because I don't want to convey the message that one version of myself holds more importance than another.


  1. I really like the approach you're taking with the dollhouse, love the idea


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