Digital Collecting

  1. How does the digital world change the way we collect?
    I think collecting things gets easier with each generation. Obviously physical objects still take up space, but unimaginable amounts of media can be saved on the smallest flash drives and shared with the world. The ways we can collect is expanding.
  2. Is there something you collect (physical or digital)?
    I have a jar in my room of found buttons.
  3. Think about the digital collections you have
    I definitely have a large digital collection of music. I have it saved in an old computer hard drive.
Digital collection parameters
  1. What? Video game controllers
  2. How many? 20
  3. Where to source (must be online ie. instagram, google maps, craigs list, amazon)? Google images
  4. Why did you choose to collect this? I like video games and I think it'd be cool to organize a collection of the evolution of their designs.


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